1. Dr. C. Giri (Registrar)
2. Dr. Charru Malhotra

Centre For Learning In ICT & e-Governance

This is one of the major initiatives at Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), supported by the Ministry of Information & Communication Technology, Government of India (GOI) towards Capacity Building in the area of e-Governance.

GOI has launched an ambitious National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) that spans various Government Departments both at Centre and States, District Administrations and Local Bodies (Municipalities and Panchayat) to deploy ICT tools & technologies to improve delivery of Government services to the masses and extend reach of services near their places of residence.

One of the major challenges facing the NeGP is Capacity Building that is required to be built at various levels of the Government starting at the Policy and Decision makers, to the Management and Operational Level and creating awareness amongst the general masses. It is also recognized that different States are at different levels of readiness and with varying range of capacity gaps. Against this backdrop, IIPA has established a “Centre for Learning in ICT & e-Governance” at its premises in New Delhi, leveraging its vast experience of over 50 years in the area of public administration

Salient features of the Centre includes:

Development of content on various topics in e-Governance and develop training modules for the target participants.

Adopt blended mix approach for training delivery

Well-equipped labs to impart hands-on training on e-Gov applications.

Develop network of institutions and trainers to organize training programmes

Conduct training courses, workshops, seminars and brainstorming sessions to sensitise and create awareness amongst various stakeholders